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Ochsenweg - Schleswig-Holstein's Spine

If you want to discover 'our' Schleswig-Holstein with your bicycle you should do that on the Ochsenweg. No other historical trail touches so many places of interest.

Image Copyright: B�rbel Meisner

Traces of the past
On the trail through the district Pinnberg the Ochsenweg (here random order) runs past the Rantzauer Lake with the palace island and fish ladder. Past Willkomm Höft in Wedel, a church in Barmstedt, another church in Elmshorn, a water tower, the Liether lime pit and the Rosarium in Uetersen. It shows the Roland of Wedel and Hamburg's marina. A challenge for every leg muscle if you want to do the tour in one day.

'Meat road' Ochsenweg
In the 14th-century the Ochsenweg secured the meat supply in the north. Live cattle purchased additional in Denmark was driven through elaborate cattle drives, the 'Ochsentrift' into the county. 'Ochsenwege' (ox-roads) or also 'Heerwege' (military roads) developed.

Image Copyright: Schleswig-Holstein Binnland Tourismus e.v.

Dangerous route
On the route towards the south, when farmers drove their cattle to be sold one could probably only see dust. But on the way back when instead of cattle there was money in pockets and bags the walk got more dangerous the closer one got to the north. Today in Kropper Busch an inn at the main road remembers the time of the highwayman and robbers: 'Du büs´ Kropper Busch noch ni vörbi' (you haven't yet passed Kropper Busch).

Denmark's and Schleswig-Holstein's spine
Today Schleswig-Holstein's spine is being unearthed by working groups. The in parts restored routes are being marked by green symbol signs, in parts marked as cycle path. In addition each sign indicates an area, which is interesting for the region.

Schleswig-Holstein Binnland Tourismus e.v.
Stapelholmer Weg 13
24963 Tarp
Tel.: 04638 2108880
Fax: 04638 2108881